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Lower extremity prosthesis

1.Hip Disarticulation Prosthesis; we are specialist in providing world class quality for hip disarticulation prosthesis. It consists of hip joint which can be mechanical or pneumatic with the combination of various knee joints like mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic and bionic with number of foot option like sach foot, single axis foot, dynamic foot and carbon foot.

These all combinations are feasible for all category user, but final prosthesis depend on patient activity, weight, life style and stump condition.

2. Above Knee Prosthesis; In today’s time because of advance interface material and advance technology prosthesis patient with above knee amputation can live normal life with the help of hi-tech knee joints like bionic, sensor knee, hydraulic and pneumatic with the combination of different range of foots. But final prosthesis depends on patient activity, weight, life style and stump condition.

3.Knee Disarticulation Prosthesis; - it is unique amputation level in which patient had advantage of weight bearing at distal end and due to which patient can walk longer time without any exertion.

But due to long stump it had limited range of prosthetic knees which are especially design for knee disarticulation prosthesis, but patient can use different category of foot range for different mobility grade and can live normal life.

4. Below Knee Prosthesis; - in today’s modern technology world below knee prosthesis user can leave normal life and do all day today activities without any limitations.

Below knee prosthesis had multiple option that includes pidline socket, suction socket, vacuum socket and silicon socket with shuttle lock system with multiple foot option like sach foot, single axis foot, dynamic foot and carbon foot with this option patient can do day to day activity without any limitation.

5. Sports Prosthesis; - this is advance category of prosthesis which are especially design for sports activity for both below knee and above knee users .in this category especial types of foots and joints are used to achieve the goal of high activity like sprinting and running.